An interdisciplinary approach to the management of bladder endometriosis



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Urinary endometriosis a rare condition accounting for 1-5.5% of all of the extragenital endometriosis locations. Bladder endometriosis is the most common form of urinary endometriosis, comprising 85% of cases. There is no single approach to treating bladder endometriosis patients with this pathology. Multidisciplinary collaboration between urologists and gynecologists aimed to develop an appropriate treatment strategy is essential in the management of bladder endometriosis. We report two cases of patients with different location of endometriotic lesions in the bladder, surgical strategy and collaboration between urologists and gynecologists at all stages of treatment.




G. Yarin

Ya.L. Tsiv’yan Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of Minzdrav of Russia; ANO Clinic NIITO

Ph.D., Head of the Functional Group of Neurourology; Head of the Department of Surgery

I. Vil’gel’mi

ANO Clinic NIITO; JSC Innovative Medical and Technological Center «Medical Technopark»

Obstetrician-Gynecologist at the Department of Surgery


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