Interstitial laser coagulation in the management of urothelial papillary carcinoma of the renal pelvis



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This article presents a case of a 59-year-old patient with a primary tumor of the right kidney with bladder and liver metastases. The patient was treated in three-stages. In the first stage, he underwent ureteral stone extraction, laser resection of the tumor with subsequent vaporization. In the second stage, a repeat laser resection and vaporization of the tumor was performed. During the third stage, the patient underwent TUR of the bladder wall with the tumor, followed by laser vaporization of the tumor bed. During a 9-year follow-up, no signs of tumor growth or metastasis were observed.




O. Teodorovich

Research Clinical Center of JSC “RZD”; Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of Minzdrav of Russia

Dr.Med.Sci., Professor , Head of the Department of Endoscopic Urology

M. Shatokhin

Research Clinical Center of JSC “RZD”; Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of Minzdrav of Russia

Dr.Med.Sci., Professor at the Department of Endoscopic Urology

M. Abdullaev

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of Minzdrav of Russia

Professor at the Department of Endoscopic Urology

A. Krasnov

Research Clinical Center of JSC “RZD”


M. Khommyatov

I.M. Sechenov First MSMU of Minzdrav of Russia (Sechenov University)



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