Vladimir Alekseevich Ivanov — a World-Class Expert on Iranian Studies. Part 1

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The article is devoted to the outstanding 20th-century researcher of Iran — V.A. Ivanov (or Wladimir Ivanow, as he often styled himself), whose scholarly studies combined two spheres: Persian/Iranian dialectology and Ismailism, while he himself stood at the origins of research in both these spheres. The author tried to consider Ivanov’s studies in both these areas altogether for a full-scale assessment of his great personality as a scholar, as well as of his contribution to world Oriental studies. The article, published in two parts, includes V.A. Ivanov’s biography, sections concerning his works on linguistics/ethnography and Ismailism, as well as data on the significant replenishment by Ivanov of the IOM, RAS, collection of manuscripts and lithographs. Among the sources used for the article are V.A. Ivanov’s own memoirs and IOM, RAS, archival materials.

About the authors

Youli A. Ioannesyan

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: youli19@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2936-1128

Cand. Sci. (Philology), Leading Researcher of the Department of Middle Eastern and Near Eastern Studies

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Tsarskoe Selo, 1907, photo from the archive of orientalists of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fund 19, inventory 1, storage unit. 54

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