Review of B.I. Kuznetsov’s Private Collection in the Archives of Orientalists at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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The article describes scholarly and teaching activities of the Russian researcher of Tibet B.I. Kuznetsov (1931–1985) as well as his private collection of archival materials. The documents from the collection have been assessed and classified into three categories: 1. Scholarly works and their background (1965–1998): 2. Service documentation (1962–1985): 3. Materials from other people (1959–1979). In 1956, after graduating from the department of Chinese philology at the faculty of Oriental Studies at Leningrad University, Bronislav Ivanovich joined a Ph.D. program and began studying the Tibetan language first under V.S. Vorobyov-Desyatovsky (1927–1956) and later under B.I. Pankratov (1892–1979). During his postgraduate Ph.D. studies, he also started to teach the Tibetan language at the faculty of Oriental Studies. Some details of his scholarly and teaching activities have been mentioned in his letters to R.E. Pubaev (1928–1991). The life of B.I. Kuznetsov, a teacher and researcher of Tibetan studies, is of a great interest to scholars as an integral part of the historical development of Tibetan studies in Russia.

About the authors

Svetlana S. Sabrukova

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7983-4291

Cand. Sci. (Philology), Senior Researcher, the Department of Manuscripts and Documents

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


  1. Bsod-nams-rgyal-mtshan, Sa-skya-pa Bla-ma Dam-pa. Rgyal rabs gsal ba’i me long: The Clear Mirror of Royal Genealogies. Tibetan Text in Transliteration with an Introduction in English. Ed. by B.I. Kuznetsov. Leiden: Brill, 1966 (Scripta Tibetana. 1.).
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  5. Kuznetsova, Elizaveta B. “O nashei sem’e: ‘Atmosfera, blagopriiatstvuiushchaia zaniatiiam naukoi’ ” [About Our Family: ‘An Atmosphere Conducive to Research’]. Mongolica, 2021, vol. XXIV, no. 2, pp. 10–14 (in Russian).
  6. Narmaev, Badma M. “Rol’ Bronislava Ivanovicha Kuznetsova v stanovlenii poslevoennoi otechestvennoi tibetologii” [The Role of Bronislav Kuznetsov in the Formation of Russian Post-War Tibetan Studies]. Kunstkamera, 2022, vol. 4(18), pp. 127–136 (in Russian).

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