The Description of Araki Murashige’s Uprising in the Shinchō-kō ki by Ōta Gyūichi

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The article examines the representation of one of the events of Japanese political history in the last quarter of the 16th century—the rebellion of Araki Murashige, the ruler of the land of Settsu, against Oda Nobunaga, the “unifier of Japan” in the Shinchō-kō ki chronicle. Tracing the main stages of Araki Murashige’ life, the author pays special attention to clarifying the motives of the lord of Settsu, which forced him to oppose Nobunaga. Araki Murashige joined a broad coalition of Nobunaga’s enemies in 1578. The author compares the facts from Murashige’s political biography with his portrait in the Shinchō-kō ki, coming to the conclusion that the chronicler is inclined to portray the ruler of Settsu as an ungrateful traitor who challenged the merciful lord—Nobunaga. Using similar techniques, Gyūichi paints a portrait of another enemy of Nobunaga—Matsunaga Hisahide, one of the lords of the Yamato province. The image of the “traitor” created in the Shinchō-kō ki is intended to emphasize the power and inevitability of Nobunaga’s victory on the one hand, and to show his opponents in an unseemly light on the other.

About the authors

Svyatoslav A. Polkhov

Institute of Oriental Studies RAS

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4705-7488
SPIN-code: 4761-4905

Cand. Sci. (History), Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Japanese Studies

Russian Federation, Moscow


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