E.I. Kychanov’s Translation of “The Revised and Newly Endorsed Code of the ‘Celestial Prosperity’ Reign” in the Context of the Development of Modern Translation Studies





Evgeny I. Kychanov was well known in Chinese academic circles since 1980s, and his translations of the ancient Tangut manuscripts into Russian are often used by Chinese scholars as reference material. This article is based on the example of “The Revised and Newly Endorsed Code of the ‘Celestial Prosperity’ Reign” (1149–1168) translated by the scholar from Tangut into Russian; it analyzes some features of his translation work, his chosen strategies and methods, as well as gives comments of the Chinese specialists’ attitude to E.I. Kychanov’s translation of the Tangut written source.


Xia Meng

Shaanxi Normal University

Email: xmeng003@163.com

Professor, Dean of the Russian Language Department, School of International Studies

台湾, Xi’an

Natalia Tsareva

Shaanxi Normal University

Email: gct-tsareva@yandex.ru

Professor, Department of Russian Language, School of International Studies

台湾, Xi’an


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