Tibetan blockprint from Khara-Khoto preserved in the Collection of the IOM, RAS





Fragments of Tibetan manuscripts and block prints from Khara-Khoto that were transferred to the Asiatic Museum after the P.K. Kozlov’s Mongolia and Sichuan Expedition, have been insufficiently studied. As the result of the cataloguing project initiated by the researchers of the IOM, RAS in 2018, an unknown Tibetan block print was discovered. The preserved fragment includes two texts dedicated to Buddhist Deity Mañjuśrī. This paper presents the brief archaeographic description of the block print, transliteration and translation of the preserved parts of texts.


Anna Turanskaya

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: turanskaya@mail.ru

PhD, Junior Researcher, Laboratory “Serindica”

俄罗斯联邦, Dvortsovaia naberezhnaia 18, St. Petersburg, 191186


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7. Internal pagination of woodcut boards

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8. Fragments of Tangut manuscripts taken from a Tibetan woodcut during restoration

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