The Concept of “Contemporary Place Names” in the Tibetan Translation of the Da Tang Xiyu Ji





The Da Tang Xiyu ji (“Тhe Great Tang Records on the Western Regions”) was translated into Tibetan by the Mongolian scholar Gombojab (Mgon-po-skyabs) of the Qing dynasty (1644–1912), using the original Chinese text of the Qianlong Tripitaka, also called the Dragon Tripitaka. In the manuscript copy kept at Otani University (Kyoto), interlinear explanatory notes of the “contemporary place names” are found. The notes on the Central Asian place names might reflect the new geographical knowledge that Chinese society obtained after Qianlong’s campaigns against the Dzungars. In the present paper, the author discusses some of these notes. As the notes are not accurate and contain much misunderstanding, it is hard to use them as research sources. Nevertheless, they reveal the scope of knowledge of the time and deserve attention.


Tokio Takata

Fudan University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2853-7873

Emeritus Professor Fudan University, History Department

台湾, West Main Guanghua Tower, 220 Handai Road, Shanghai, 200433


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