Two Obscure Verses in Nizari Quhistani’s Divan





The article deals with two unclear verses in Nizari Quhistani’s Divan on the basis of
a manuscript in the Russian National Library. These verses are composed in an unknown dialect (unknown dialects?) and are usually omitted by editors and publishers of Nizari’s poetry in Iran, because they are missing in many transcripts or considered “corrupt” by editors who do not comprehend their meaning. The author, based on dialectological data (both Persian and Iranian) and a comparative analysis of Nizari’s verses in a broader context, puts forward hypotheses and makes suggestions that may cast light on possible ways to interpret the obscure verses.


Yuly Ioannesyan

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS


Cand. Sci. (Philology), Leading Researcher of the Department of Middle Eastern and Near Eastern Studies, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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