The 10th-Century Arab Geographers Al-Istakhri and Ibn Hawqal on Qabq





For the first time in Russian historiography, this paper provides information on the 10th-century Qabq history through translation, commentary and comparative analysis of excerpts from the Arabic geographical work Kitab al-masalik wa-l-mamalik (“The Book of Routes and Kingdoms”) by al-Istakhri and from the account of the same title written by Ibn Hawqal, which concern the history of the Caucasus’ peoples. The data on polities, the Caspian Sea as well as on other localities of the Eastern Caucasus given by both authors significantly complement those supplied by preceding writers. The paper established that information on Qabq in the works by al-Istakhri and by Ibn Hawqal provided, respectively, in chapters “Armenia, Arran and Azerbaijan” and “Khazar Sea” coincides in general and varies only in some parts of the text. It is noteworthy that Ibn Hawqal’s text is much more detailed than that of al-Istakhri. Moreover, I used a critical approach to N.A. Karaulov’s translation of excerpts from the above-mentioned works of al-Istakhri and Ibn Hawqal and established that his translation not only contains some stylistic flaws and interpretative errors, but also omits certain fragments from both Arabic texts. The results of this research will greatly enrich researchers’ understanding of the early medieval historical geography of Qabq. It can also be used to further the source studies for the writing of a medieval history of the Caucasus.


Magomed Gizbulaev

Independent Scholar (Kudali)


Cand. Sci. (History), Independent Scholar

俄罗斯联邦, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan


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