On the organization and development of distributed production systems

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The article is devoted to the issues of increasing the efficiency of functioning of modern production systems based on the network principles of production organization. The necessity of developing new methods and tools for organizing and distributed production systems is substantiated, which makes it possible to obtain network effects. It has been established that when forming the systemic foundations of distributed production activities, one should take into account the characteristics of a distributed production system, which include: modularity, the need to configure participants recruited into the system for common values and goals, versatility, and coordination. The purpose of this article is to develop methodological aspects of editing and development of distributed production systems in modern conditions in the context of digitalization and clustering of the economy. The properties of distributed production systems create conditions for the formation of flexible organizational structures, which are characterized by: a large number of participants and their heterogeneity; inconsistency of the goals and values of the participants; difficult to predict the activity of participants in time and in the network space, due to a high level of uncertainty; the object of control is a whole group of homogeneous or heterogeneous processes; polycentrism as a decision-making principle in relation to a set of directly unrelated processes; a high degree of interconnectedness and interdependence of participants’ decisions. Planning the organizational structure and production processes in a distributed production system should take place on the basis of rational management of the flow of resources, information, energy in the network field of the production system. Analysis of the theory and practice of forming the organizational structure of territorial clusters as an institutional form of functioning of distributed production systems in the Russian Federation allows us to distinguish three levels in its composition: the first level is represented by federal government bodies and state corporations that can initiate the creation of clusters or coordinate the initiative of regional authorities ( business entities), as well as defining strategic guidelines for the development of cluster formations; the second level includes regional authorities, transnational corporations that use tools of direct and indirect influence and are also entitled to initiate the creation of clusters; the third level is represented by “direct cluster management bodies, which can be a management company, a coordinating organization, a cluster council, etc. The study allowed the authors to identify significant transactions between participants in distributed production systems that initiate network effects.

About the authors

Mansur F. Safargaliev

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev

Author for correspondence.
Email: mfsafragaliev@kai.ru

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Department of Economics and Management at the Enterprise

Russian Federation, Kazan


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