Digital twins as a tool for monitoring production processes in Industry 4.0

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The article presents a description of the trends in the use of digital technologies in production processes in the industrial complex of the Russian economy in the conditions of Industry 4.0. In particular, a dynamic analysis of internal costs for the development of digital production was carried out; the cost structure for the development of digital production and the structure of the use of digital technologies in industrial production enterprises are presented; trends in the share of industrial organizations using special software for production management - CRM, ERP, SCM - systems, automated production control systems, systems for designing production and technological processes have been identified. The purpose of the article is to summarize the directions of development of Industry 4.0 in the industrial production of the Russian economy, with an emphasis on the possibilities and prospects for improving the technologies for using digital twins as a tool for monitoring the production process in the value chains of products. A special place in the article is given to the analysis and prospects for the introduction of digital twins and digital shadows in the industrial complex as monitoring tools at the stages of product design and its subsequent production and operation. A generalized scheme for using tools for monitoring the production process using a software and technological platform is presented. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: firstly, in the Russian industry there is an annual increase in the use of digital technologies at all stages of the life cycle of products, including within integrated value chains; secondly, digital technologies are currently used as a necessary tool for increasing the competitiveness of industrial production, increasing its resource efficiency, flexibility, accuracy and efficiency of managerial decisions; thirdly, in the near future, integrated platform and technological solutions will be of decisive importance, allowing the creation of end-to-end physical and information flows aimed at the formation and development of advanced industries and technologies in the industrial complex.

About the authors

Ravil A. Khaliulin

Kazan National Research Technological University

Author for correspondence.

Post-Graduate Student of the Department of Logistics and Management

Russian Federation, Kazan


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Copyright (c) 2023 Khaliulin R.A.

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