Features implementation the process approach in enterprise management in the Industry 4.0 context

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Industry 4.0 technologies directly related to the concept of sustainable development, which opens up new opportunities and can contribute to changing the traditional approach of manufacturing companies. Currently, the food system is undergoing widespread changes in business models, which also facilitated by the digital technologies use. A growing number of new digital technologies successfully applied in all major processes. Digital technologies can affect different processes in different ways, some may have a cross-cutting impact on all processes, while others may focus exclusively on one process. The introduction of digital technologies of Industry 4.0 by manufacturing companies primarily concerns the maintenance of various business processes. The article discusses the technologies used in the framework of the process approach of enterprise management in the context of Industry 4.0. The models of the process approach, their features, characteristics and functionality used to improve efficiency and achieve the desired results are considered. It shown that by integrating the methods of the process approach and Industry 4.0 technologies, enterprises can achieve the desired results, as well as the features of their implementation. The need for further scientific development of tools that increase the efficiency of enterprise management and business processes themselves justified.

About the authors

Aleksey I. Shinkevich

Kazan National Research Technological University

Author for correspondence.
Email: ashinkevich@mail.ru

Doctor of Engineering, Professor of the Logistics and Management Department

Russian Federation, Kazan

Marina V. Zimina

Kazan National Research Technological University

Email: Marina-ls@list.ru

Assistant of the Logistics and Management Department

Russian Federation, Kazan


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Copyright (c) 2023 Shinkevich A.I., Zimina M.V.

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