The paradigm of limited rationality of decision making

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The article gives a substantiation of the necessity to develop a paradigm of limited rationality of decision making in complex artificial (social, economical, socio-technical, etc.) systems, that are created and functioning with the participation of people. The reason to do it is that the conventional rationality coming from the cognition of reality "as it is", without taking into consideration the subjectivity of people, becomes inapplicable in this case. The basic principles of the limited rationality are given in the paper. They assume the application of the methods of humanities together with the natural science approach to research and the use of the oriental world-view characterized by the junction of man with the existence and by the emphasis of ordinary representation of existence instead of scientific representation.

About the authors

Vladimir A Vittikh

Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for the Control of Complex Systems of RAS

Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for the Control of Complex Systems of RAS


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