Probabilistic design in linguistics and theory principle and parameter

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In article are considered possible mathematical designs sense, connected with on-рядком of the words in offers. Work rests in probabilistic buildings at analysis of the language, races-смотренные in [1, 2]. The Described models handle with notion "principle and parameter", incorporated Chomsky N. Within the framework of given article are discussed some possibility of modeling parametric design language.

About the authors

Michail A Evdokimov

Samara State Technical University

Samara State Technical University

Valeriy A Kuznetsov

Samara State Technical University

Samara State Technical University

Yana G Stelmach

Samara State Technical University

Samara State Technical University


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  5. Налимов В.В. Вероятностная модель языка. - М.: Наука, 1979. - 304 с.
  6. Налимов В.В. Спонтанность сознания. - М.: Изд-во «Прометей», МГПИ им. Ленина, 1989. - 287 с.

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