Energy-saving algorithms of optimal control of induction heating processes

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The problems of optimal control by processes of metal induction heating in batch and continuous installations have been formulated and solved regarding to criterion of minimum energy consumption. The solution is based on two-dimensional numerical nonlinear models of interrelated electromagnetic and thermal fields that have been developed in FLUX software.

About the authors

Yulia E Pleshivtseva

Samara State Technical University

(д.т.н., доц.), профессор, каф. управления и системного анализа в теплоэнергетике; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University

Olga Yu Sharapova

Samara State Technical University

аспирант, каф. управления и системного анализа в теплоэнергетике; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University


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