Recognition of energetically weak seismicevents in the study of man-made seismic

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When studying anthropogenic seismicity the weak seismic events are significant. Its detection
and treatment are based on the correlation and analysis of the seismograms of different seismic
stations. A software tool for the detection of weak seismic events is designed and developed.
A mathematical model of the recognition of weak seismic events and the analysis of
seismogram fragments for their detection are described in the paper. The method of the identification
of the type of seismic event is proposed.

About the authors

Maxim Yur'evich Nesterenko

Department of Geoecology of Orenburg Scientific Centre UB RAS

(к.т.н., доц.), ведущий научный сотрудник; Отдел геоэкологии Оренбургского научного цента УрО РАН; Department of Geoecology of Orenburg Scientific Centre UB RAS

Anastasia Vladimirovna Bukhvalova

Department of Geoecology of Orenburg Scientific Centre UB RAS

ведущий инженер; Отдел геоэкологии Оренбургского научного цента УрО РАН; Department of Geoecology of Orenburg Scientific Centre UB RAS

Alexander Aleksandrovich Pelagein

Department of Geoecology of Orenburg Scientific Centre UB RAS

ведущий инженер; Отдел геоэкологии Оренбургского научного цента УрО РАН; Department of Geoecology of Orenburg Scientific Centre UB RAS


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