Some features of second kind fredholm equations kernels

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Kernels of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with exceptions are analysed in this article. The equations under consideration have a meaning of magnetic field boundary condition and are used in problems of scattering on scatterers with finite thickness. It is shown that these kernels could be stated in a form of Dirac delta- functions. This mathematical formalization results in interesting physical effect that induced current calculated via physical optics equals the difference of face and back currents of the scatterer, calculated using method of integral equations.

About the authors

Mariya A Buzova

Samara Branch of Radio Research and Development Institute

к.ф.-м.н., старший научный сотрудник, научный отдел 2; Самарское отделение научно-исследовательского института радио; Samara Branch of Radio Research and Development Institute


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