An optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras for the symmetry algebra of three-dimensional equations of the perfect plasticity

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The present paper is devoted to a study of a natural 12-dimensional symmetry algebra of the three-dimensional hyperbolic differential equations of the perfect plasticity, obtained by D. D. Ivlev in 1959 and formulated in isostatic coordinates. An optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras constructing algorithm for the Lie algebra is proposed. The optimal system (total 187 elements) is shown consist of a 3-parametrical element, twelve 2-parametrical elements, sixty six 1-parametrical elements and one hundred and eight individual elements.

About the authors

Vladimir A Kovalev

Moscow City Government University of Management Moscow

(д.ф.-м.н., профессор), зав. кафедрой, каф. прикладной математики; Московский городской университет управления Правительства Москвы; Moscow City Government University of Management Moscow

Yuriy N Radaev

A. Ishlinsky Institite for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences

(д.ф.-м.н., профессор), ведущий научный сотрудник, лаб. моделирования в механике деформируемого твёрдого тела; Институт проблем механики им. А. Ю. Ишлинского РАН; A. Ishlinsky Institite for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences


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