Immunogenicand protective properties of cultural filrates from meliodosis causative agents

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Cultural filtrates were obtained during cultivation of typical strains B.pseudomallei of full-valued antigenic structure 100 and 111, and its atypical variants without antigen 8 and some proteins of external membrane.
Study of protective properties of CF revealed a certain dependence between protective action of CF and levels of protease
and haemolysins production. These strains were more active in stimulating cell immunity and macrophage systems.


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2005 Zhukova S.I., Piven' N.N., Avrorova I.V., Proshina O.B., Plekhanova N.G., Drefs N.M., Zasyadkina A.V., Zhukova S.I., Pyven' N.N., Avrorova I.V., Proshina O.B., Plekhanova N.G., Drefs N.M., Zasyagrina A.V.

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