Some problematic aspects of law enforcement practice in the framework of insolvency (bankruptcy) of an organization related to the participation of a foreign element


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This article discusses some of the problematic aspects of insolvency (bankruptcy) in the framework of relations complicated by the participation of a foreign element. The article deals with such issues as the legal status of foreign creditors in the framework of insolvency (bankruptcy), the problem of notifying an alien of legal proceedings as well as the issue of enforcing the arbitration court decision in respect of a foreign counterparty (debtor). In the framework of the study empirical methods (operation methods) were used: Study of literature, documents and results of activity and observation. In the process of studying the issue the author came to the conclusion that in practice in the framework of the arbitration process foreign elements (non-residents) may not always enjoy equal rights along with the residents. This study contains an analysis of topical issues in the framework of the participation of a foreign element in a bankruptcy procedure which later may be useful to conduct a more detailed analysis of the issues of participation of a foreign element in a bankruptcy as well as when writing research projects on this topic. The practical value of the article is reflected in the analysis of modern law enforcement practice and methods for addressing gaps in the framework of the execution of arbitration judicial acts.

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Sobre autores

Ilya Karikh

Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy»; Neklis-Bank, LLC

postgraduate student; Position: leading legal advisor.


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