
Current Problems of Countering Cybercrime in the Context of Digital Transformation
Karchaeva K.
Comparative Analysis of Some Means of Countering Discovery of Crimes in the Sphere of Illegal Drug Traffic Committed with the Use of the Internet
Bitov A.
Problematic Aspects of the Investigation of Crimes Related to the Sale of Narcotic Drugs Via the Internet
Chechenov A.
Current Issues of Countering Crimes Committed Using the Internet in the Conditions of Globalization
Karchaeva K.
Phishing as a Threat to Business and the State
Volkova O., Drozdova E.
Actual Problems of Development of Extremism and Terrorism in the Field of Information and Telecommunication Technologies
Kuchinaev R.
The System of Organizational and Legal Identification of Persons Who Have Posted Information on the Internet About the Intention to Commit a Crime
Zharova A.
Main Directions of Increasing the Efficiency of the State Policy to Counter Cyberterrorism in the Russian Federation
Aramisov A.
Current Features of Criminological, Criminal Law and Criminological Characteristics of the Involvement of a Minor in Committing Crimes
Sitdikova G.
Countering Activities Ensuring the Operation of Online Stores for the Sale of Drugs
Malleke D.
The Reality of the Threat and Its Role for the Correct Qualification of Extortion and Attempted Fraud Committed Using Information and Communication Networks
Alexandrova E.
Countering Cybercrime: Current Issues
Serebrennikova A.
Information War as Part of Geopolitical Conflict
Karchaeva K.
Combating crimes of extremist orientation committed with the use of the internet network
Karchaeva K.
On the Influence of Destructive Internet Structures on the Process of Radicalization of Youth: Status, Ways of Counteraction
Berova J., Kanunnikova N.
Actual Problems of Qualification of Public Calls for Extremist Activity
Kanunnikova N.
Ways of improving counter cyber terrorism methods in Russian Federation
Zhukov A.
Specificity of the method of committing crimes related to the sale of drugs
Yatskina I.
Radicalism as a Factor of Destabilization of the World Political Situation
Kurshev A.
Improving Tools for Countering Cyber Terrorism in Modern Conditions
Zhukov A.
Criminalistic prediction and criminalistic prevention of cyber crimes in the field of healthcare
Perepechina I., Perepechin D.
Child Safety in the Great Britain and USA
Antonyan E., Grishko N.
To the Question of the Use of Blockchain Depositary in the Formation of the Evidence Base in the Internet Courts of China
Rusakova E., Chernysheva T.
The Fight Against Drug Crimes Committed with the Use of the Internet as an Element of National Security in Russia
Napsokov A.
Digital evidence in crime investigations
Rastoropov S.
Network factors for the formation of extremist installations in youth
Kurashinova A.
The Role of Modern Information Tools in Countering the Spread of Terrorist Threats
Shogenov T.
On Current Issues of Countering Youth Extremism in the Global Network
Burayeva L.
Problematic issues of participation of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian federation in the detection, prevention and suppression of offenses in information and telecommunications networks (including the internet), services, social networks, virtual games, as an element of ensuring national security in the face of new threats
Shchukin V., Sinodov I., Balayeva J.
Countering the use of Internet resources in the dissemination of deliberately false information (fakes) during periods of aggravation of the socio-political situation on the territory of the subjects of the North Caucasus federal district
Golyandin N., Verhovetskiy I., Sheriev A.
Current Issues of the Use of Internet Resources for Terrorist Purposes
Shogenov T.
Problems of organizing activities on disclosure of remote frauds and theft of bankcards
Napskov A.
Berova D.
Problems and Prospects for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in the Activities of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Lolaeva A.
Factors Influencing the State of the Fight Against Cybercrime in the Modern World
Daurov A.
A set of measures to counter the spread of religious extremism among young people
Nastuev E.
Public morality and information technologies
Arhiptsev I., Parshin N., Maksimenko A., Shalaikin R.
Crime in the Sphere of Information and Communication Technologies as a Problem of the Information Society
Khamurzov A.
Countering the Use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes
Aripshev A.
The Hidden Network "Darknet": A Criminological Aspect
Kodzokov B.
Current trends in the development of extremism in social networks
Tokbaev A.
Features of information relations on the Internet regarding copyright objects
Zhukov A.
On the Issue of Countering Extremism on the Internet
Osmanov M.
Spread of "Fake" Information as a Cause of Civil Disorders
Shamaev A.
Problems of Countering Terrorism and Extremism on the Internet Under the Conditions of Urban Digitalization
Manukyan A.
Modern information tools to counter the spread of terrorist threats on the internet
Shogenov T.
Shogenov T.
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