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The development of technology in the field of finance contributes to the modernization of the basic areas associated with the provision of financial services in which innovative products are produced, as well as serving consumers as a whole. The rapid growth of technology implies increased flexibility of state regulators. One of the main conditions for successful digitalization is the following: the state should actively participate in the development of digital technologies in the financial market. The development of innovations in the field of finance and their use can increase the competitiveness of domestic technologies, strengthen their security and accessibility. It also contributes to improving the quality of financial services, increasing their range, and reduces risks and costs.


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Sobre autores

Olga Zherelina


Position: Lecturer. Department: Legal Basics of Management chair.

Moris Mirelli

All-Russian public organization Russian Committee for Solidarity and Cooperation with the peoples of Asia and Africa

Position: President `s assistant.


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