Planning as a criterion for the quality of criminal investigation


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The purpose of the study. To analyze the guidelines and results of operations investigators to substantiate that the planning activities of bodies of preliminary investigation is significant for the choice of investigative techniques, tactics of investigation, timeliness of investigation, rights of the parties interested in the outcome of the case, as well as when exercising departmental control by the head of the investigative body. Also, the purpose of the study is the need to establish the relationship between the planning and quality of the preliminary investigation. Conclusions. The implementation of daily and calendar planning in the work of the investigator can significantly improve the organization of the investigation, identify "weak points" in the proposed versions, determine the most optimal sequence of procedural actions and operational search measures in criminal cases under investigation. Planning in the head of the investigative body allows to increase the quality of the procedural control over the timeliness taken by the investigator of the decisions minimizes (ideally eliminates) procedural irregularities in the activities of the investigator, provides an implementation of the guarantees for observance of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of participants of process, and, consequently, increases confidence in the investigating authorities.

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Sobre autores

Natalya Zhukova

Belgorod National Research University

PhD (Law), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Forensic Science and Criminalistics Belgorod, Russia

Sergey Kocumbas

Belgorod National Research University

PhD (Law), Associate Professor of the Department of Forensic Science and Criminalistics Belgorod, Russia

Sergey Mamin

Belgorod National Research University

PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of Forensic Science and Criminalistics Belgorod, Russia


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