Death Penalty



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Short excursus in history of criminal punishment in the form of death penalty is carried out in the article. Comparison of history development of punishment in the form of death penalty Russian and Kazakhstan is conducted (periods are covered: pre – Soviet, during the USSR, and modern time). The tendencies of development issue of cancel death penalty within the framework of international cooperation is marked in the article. Conducting policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relation to death penalty is also pointed out. The arguments of for and against concerning application of criminal punishment in the form of death penalty is considered. Giving arguments with practical examples on groundlessness of position «for» keeping death penalty in the present time. Author is speaking out own point of view concerning of punishment in the form of death penalty.

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Sobre autores

Mussali Nuradel

Shymkent City Bar Association

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Código SPIN: 9576-1880

Cand. Sci.(Law), counsel

Cazaquistão, Shymkent


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