The role of V.P. Revin in the formation of a modern understanding of the structure of criminal policy



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The purpose of the study: defining the role of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor Valery Petrovich Revin in the formation of a modern approach to understanding the content of criminal policy, its structure, levels, formation, implementation. One of the aspects that attracted the attention of researchers and became controversial was the structure of criminal policy. Its scope was either expanded, including, in addition to special measures of crime prevention, measures of an economic nature, ideological, medical measures aimed at combating crimes and other socially dangerous acts (A.A. Gertzenon), or the framework of criminal policy was narrowed down to a policy of combating not all crime, but only its individual directions, and carried out not by any, but by criminal law means (P.N. Panchenko). The article analyzes the approaches to the structure of criminal policy based on its content. It has been determined that the most variable structural element of criminal policy is the preventive policy, which determines the main directions, the system of subjects and the system of measures for crime prevention. The most controversial, as we saw above, was the issue of including social prevention, its directions, measures, subjects in the preventive policy. Research methodology and technique. The methodological basis for studying the formation of a modern understanding of the structure of criminal policy was the generally accepted dialectical method of scientific knowledge of social processes in the field of combating crime, their interdependence and interrelation. In the course of the research, we used such general scientific methods of cognition as the system-structural method, the method of differentiation, methods of generalization, comparison. Conclusions: in the course of the study, the place of social crime prevention and its correlation with special prevention were determined. A requirement was established for the compliance of the assigned tasks with resource provision, legal regulation, information support, and staffing. The prognostic importance of V.P. Revin, reflecting the most important directions in the formation and implementation of criminal policy.




M. Voronin

Moscow State Linguistic University

Dr Sci(Law), Professor, Professor of Moscow State Linguistic University; Director of the Institute of International law and justice Moscow, Russian Federation


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