Topical issues of prevention of female crime in Russia



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The spread of crime in various spheres of the life of society has a significant negative impact on the development of the state as a whole. This situation is especially exacerbated in the case of the spread of crime among certain categories of the population, which are more vulnerable to the impact of criminal communities and the negative impact of difficult life circumstances. The study of female crime is particularly relevant due to its widespread occurrence. A crime committed by a woman is distinguished by special characteristics associated with the psychoemotional, physiological characteristics of the female representatives and their socio-biological status. Despite the fact that very serious attention is paid to the issues of combating female crime in lawmaking and law enforcement, nowadays in Russia more and more situations arise when women commit grave and especially grave crimes. In addition, recidivism is spreading among this category of the population, which indicates the ineffectiveness of the measures used to combat the development of criminal behavior in women. The purpose of this research paper is to analyze modern preventive activities in relation to the spread of female crime in Russia. The author comes to the conclusion that at the present time many factors contribute to the development of female crime, however, in this context, preventive activities are of particular importance. Attention is focused on the need to constantly carry out preventive work by combining collective and individual measures carried out in various areas of the life of society in order to reduce the negative influence of factors contributing to the development of female crime.




Aline Manukyan

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

PhD (Law), Police Colonel, Associate Professor of the Department of State and civil law disciplines Nalchik, Russia


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