About some features of the search tactics



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The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the search tactics and identify its features. In the course of the study, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: analysis, synthesis, induction, interviewing and comparison. As a result of the study, the authors came to the following conclusions and results. 1. Knowledge and timely application of tactical techniques in the production of a search can significantly increase its effectiveness. 2. The tactics of conducting a search are more complex than the tactics of seizure, which is associated with the difficulties of carrying out the actions of the claim, a significant increase in the forces and means used, and the degree of opposition to the investigation. 3. The most effective tactical techniques used in the activities of investigative units in the preparation and conduct of a search have been identified, which have positively proven themselves in practice. 4. Objects subject to seizure when found during a search have been systematized. 5. The investigator has the possibility of stopping the conduct of the search in the event of the release of the sought-after objects, however, as a rule, it seems inappropriate to use it, because the possibility is not excluded that the person who is being searched is trying to hide something from the investigator, motivating the latter to premature termination of this investigative action.




Vyacheslav Solodovnik

Leningrad Regional Branch of the St. Petersburg University of MIA Russia

Email: slaviik_bel@mail.ru
Cand.Sci. (Law), Associate Professor of the Department of General Legal Disciplines Murino, Leningrad region, Russia

Oksana Chabukiani

Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics

Cand.Sci. (Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure St.Petersburg, Russia


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