Perspectives and Possibilities of Modern Methods of Identification in the Investigation of Terrorist Crimes




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The purpose of this study was to study the possibilities of odorological examination in the investigation of crimes of a terrorist nature. The possibility of preserving odors at the scene of incidents of this category and subsequent identification fundamentally expanded the prospects for identifying persons involved in the crime by their odor reflections on seized items. Objectives of the investigation. The essence of the odorological method is to identify, collect and preserve odor traces at the scene by the investigator with the help of forensic specialists and subsequent laboratory identification of odors by cynologists using detector dogs. from the scene, there is an individual smell and there are no individual smells of other persons being checked. The results of the examination, along with other facts established in the case, contribute to the exposure of the offender. Conclusions. In the course of the study, we found that the detection of traces of smell during the inspection of the scene of the incident consists in establishing objects with which the offender could come into contact in the process of committing the crime. The main method for identifying such objects is the mental modeling of the actions of a criminal based on an analysis of the situation at the scene, the testimony of victims and eyewitnesses. Thus, forensic odorological examination is one of the few methods available to forensic scientists that allow identifying signs that individualize the subject in the traces of a person.




Nasrudi Yarychev

Chechen State University

Dr.Sci.(Pedagogics, Philosophy), Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Grozny, RF

Marina Nagoeva

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Dr.Sci.(Pedagogics), Professor of the Department of Special Technical Training Nalchik, Russia


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