Conceptual Approaches to Understanding Civil Society in Modern Law




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Civil society is currently the guarantor of the sustainable development of the rule of law and the source of positive transformations in various spheres of society. The growing interest in the category of "civil society" in modern jurisprudence has actualized the task of building a holistic concept of civil society. The article discusses the main conceptual approaches to understanding civil society in modern jurisprudence and determining its relationship with the state. An analysis is made of the characteristics identified by Russian and foreign researchers as the hallmarks of civil society. The models of interaction between the state and civil society, distinguished in domestic and foreign jurisprudence, are considered. The forms of interaction between the state and civil society are considered, their classification is carried out. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion was formulated on the expediency of using the concept of civil society organizations as the basic concept of civil society in modern legal science.




Alexander Zelentsov

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Dr.Sci.(Law), Professor, Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation Moscow, Russian Federation

Viktor Gatsolati

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Researcher, postgraduate student Moscow, Russian Federation


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