The Problem of the Impact of Globalization on State Sovereignty




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The purpose of the study. This article examines the problem of state sovereignty. For this purpose, the features of modern globalization processes are analyzed. The purpose of the study is to establish that the state sovereignty of other countries is now being purposefully destroyed in the interests of the United States, using such a phenomenon of modern political and legal life as globalization. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the authors conclude that the desire of the United States to destroy the state sovereignty of other countries is due to their attempts to preserve their world domination, which they are losing. The unipolar world is becoming multipolar. The special military operation in the Donbas is changing the modern world towards the realization of the value of state sovereignty as a reliable barrier against the plunder of the national wealth of countries, peoples, access to their national resources. In this regard, conflicts may arise between States with unpredictable consequences.




Zaurbek Kochesokov

North-Caucasian Institute, Branch of RANEPA


Dr.Sci.(Philosophy), Cand.Sci.(Law), Professor Department of Legal Support for the Activities of Authorities

俄罗斯联邦, Pyatigorsk

Farman Kuliev

North-Caucasian Institute, Branch of RANEPA


Dr.Sci.(History), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of History, Law and Humanitarian Disciplines

俄罗斯联邦, Pyatigorsk

Lilia Mullyar

North-Caucasian Institute, Branch of RANEPA


Dr.Sci.(Philosophy), Professor of the Department of History, Law and Humanities

俄罗斯联邦, Pyatigorsk


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