Termination of Proceedings on Discretionary Grounds as a Way to Optimize the Burden on the Judicial System




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In the article, through the analysis of statistical data, law enforcement practice and legal provisions, the problems of inefficient use by officials of the preliminary investigation bodies of the powers granted to them to terminate criminal cases on discretionary grounds during the preliminary investigation and inquiry are considered, which in turn causes an increase in the burden on the courts. The author identifies normative and statistical reasons for the low efficiency of the implementation of the powers granted to them by law enforcers and suggests ways to overcome them, which will allow focusing attention on the courts in considering cases of the most serious and dangerous crimes by reducing the number of cases of crimes of small and medium gravity coming to court for consideration on the merits.




Grigory Kucherov

Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSAL)

Email: kucherov.gr@gmail.com

applicant for the scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences at the Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSAL)

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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