The Relative Character of Citizens’ Right to Holding Public Events




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This article discusses the right of citizens to organize and hold public events, as well as participation in them, as a relative right, taking into account the problematic aspects of the implementation of the studied prerogative by the subjects. The relevance of the chosen topic is represented by the need for a deeper theoretical study of the right to hold public events due to the formation of an erroneous idea among certain categories of citizens about the absoluteness of the law under study and an increase in the number of public events held not in accordance with the norms of the law or violating public order. The purpose of the study is to identify the relative nature of the right of citizens to hold public events. To achieve this goal, general scientific and particular scientific methods were used: logical, systemic methods, as well as historical and comparative legal methods. The study identified such problematic aspects as the lack of sufficient theoretical study of the absolute and relative boundaries of the right of citizens to public events. The main conclusions are set out in the conclusion of the article.




Aleksey Shikhalov

St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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