卷 12, 编号 4 (2014)


Realizatsiya diskretnogo veyvlet-preobrazovaniya v sisteme ostatochnykh klassov spetsial'nogo vida

Anikueva O., Lyakhov P., Chervyakov N.


In article the design method the wavelet filter in RNS is offered. It is shown that RNS pos-sesses high potential for increase in productivity of filters as in the considered task performance only of operations of addition and multiplication which can be calculated very quickly in a modular form is required. On the example of Dobesha’s filter Db4 it is shown how it is possible to transform coefficients from a position numeral system to RNS. Results of modeling showed that the rounding error which is inevitably arising upon such transition doesn’t cause significant deviations in operation of the filter.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):4-9
pages 4-9 views

Veroyatnostnoe opisanie yavleniya tsentrobezhnoy oshibki pri peredache bezyzbytochnykh kodov po gaussovskim kanalam

Rassomakhin S., Malofey O., Malofey A.


The phenomenon that occurs when the transmission of numerical codes on Gaussian chan-nels, leading to an increase of the mean square error recovery numbers as their distance from the center of the allowable range. Justified the name of this phenomenon as “centrifugal er-ror” transmission, the basic functions and numerical characteristics of its probabilistic description. Possible ways to eliminate the negative impact of this type of distortion to improve the noise immunity of transmission systems of numerical information.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):9-16
pages 9-16 views

Teoriya sluchaynykh antenn: atributy i otlichitel'nye osobennosti

Maslov O.


The difference of methods and tools of the random antennas theory from the fields of theoretical radiotechnics and computer simulation which are close to her are discussed in the article.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):16-24
pages 16-24 views

Inzhenernaya metodika otsenki kachestva sistemy massovogo obsluzhivaniya M/M/n/q s nenadezhnymi kanalami i ee prilozhenie dlya analiza funktsionirovaniya sistem mnogokanal'noy svyazi v usloviyakh pomekh

Makarenko S., Sinitsyn I.


The rather simple calculation and evolution procedure of the quality of service of M/M/n/q queuing system with unsafe channels is offered. The variants of annex of this procedure for the researching of the functioning of multi-channel communication systems functioning under noises effect are shown.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):24-32
pages 24-32 views

Analiz vliyaniya izmeneniy parametrov vysokochastotnykh kabeley na kharakteristiki mul'timediynykh kabel'nykh setey

Abbasova T., Artyushenko V.


Problems associated with the analysis of changes in the characteristics-vysokochas-frequency cables under the influence of the environment on the multimedia cable networks. Characteristic linear dependence of the change in loss cables dia-ranges by the operating frequency of the ambient temperature.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):32-36
pages 32-36 views

Pomekhoustoychivost' skhemy priema OFDM-signalov v kanale s pamyat'yu

Slipenchuk K., Bel'skiy K.


The technology of orthogonal frequency OFDM multiplexing is hosed on for motion of multi frequency signal. The block of consistent information symbols converts in block of parallel symbols; in which every information symbol satisfy certain frequency of the multi frequency signal. Increasing the spectral efficiency of the OFDM system will facilitate the development of advanced mobile networks.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):37-40
pages 37-40 views

Postroenie mul'tiservisnykh setey na osnove funktsional'nykh preobrazovaniy trafika

Linets G., Fomin L., Govorova S., Medenets V.


For the construction of multi-service networks is proposed to use a model QS type M/M/n/m and achieving invariance to the structure of the processed network traffic due to its conversion and use properties of the invariance of the form of the differential probability and independent variables.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):40-45
pages 40-45 views

Povyshenie kachestva peredachi potokovykh dannykh v setyakh VPLA s pomoshch'yu PULL-PUSH-podkhoda

Abilov A., Vasil'ev D.


In this paper, we analyze quality of video streaming in Flying Ad Hoc Networks (FANETs) with help of an NS-3 simulation tool. Considered network topology consists of source, destination and relay nodes and uses AODV and OLSR routing protocols. We estimate quality of video streaming based on average chunk delivery ratio PDRave and average application layer data deli-very speed Rave. We developed data delivery algorithm using PULL-PUSH approach to improve quality of video streaming. This paper presents performance investigation of developed algorithm in considered network topology with AODV and OLSR routing protocols.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):45-50
pages 45-50 views

Primenenie porogovykh funktsiy dlya izvlecheniya informatsii o tipakh dannykh pri poluchenii promezhutochnykh predstavleniy tekstov programm dlya yazykov s dinamicheskoy tipizatsiey

Zubov M., Pustygin A., Startsev E.


This article shows approach for getting information of data types in languages with dynamic typing. It uses threshold functions to find right one. These functions are described in math model, which shows the whole approach. Results of its application, which was obtained for several projects, show efficiency of using it.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):51-56
pages 51-56 views

Integrirovannye sistemy upravleniya promyshlennym predpriyatiem: metodologiya sozdaniya

Matveeva E.


The article addresses the methodological issues an integrated control system of industrial enterprise to implement work-management tasks that allow you to get the economic effect.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):56-61
pages 56-61 views

Avtomatizatsiya ekspertnykh protsedur analiza vzaimootnosheniy s klientami telekommunikatsionnoy kompanii

Bogomolova M.


The paper investigates the efficient solution way of the customer relationship management problem. This way is based on the modern information technologies execution to the regional telecom companies’ business-processes research.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):61-66
pages 61-66 views

Organizatsiya protsessa otsenki innovatsionnogo razvitiya v sisteme «postavshchik-zakazchik» s ispol'zovaniem novykh informatsionnykh tekhnologiy

Zelenev A., Khaymovich I.


The article discusses the problem of selection of the contractor for contracts for supply of inventory (TMC), technological equipment, as well as for the provision of services on repair and capital construction, services nature-based evaluation of organizational and technical activities using the method of convolution information SADT model.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):66-70
pages 66-70 views

Kontseptsiya ISUP dlya usovershenstvovaniya upravleniya raspredeleniem trudovykh resursov v IT-kompanii

Kol'tsova V., Diyazitdinova A.


In this paper there is proposed a new concept of project management information system (PMIS) introduced to improve the efficiency of IT company performance. According to the results of ful-filled analysis the problem of labor forces management is the most complex and critical for a success of IT company business. To solve this problem it is proposed to implement fuzzy logic.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):71-76
pages 71-76 views

Kiral'nyy metamaterial dlya chastotno-selektivnoy kontsentratsii energii sverkhvysokochastotnogo izlucheniya

Osipov O., Pocheptsov A., Yurasov V.


Electrodynamics analysis of metamaterial formed by periodically placing thin-wire multiturn spiral elements in a homogeneous dielectric container. Solved the problem of reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from said metamaterial and the coefficients of reflection and transmission main and cross-polarized components of the field. It is proved that the metamaterial can convert radially incident super high-frequency (UHF) radiation at the resonant frequency surface waves. Calculated frequency dependence of moduli of the coefficients of reflection and transmission main and cross-polarized components of the field at different geometrical dimensions of the container and spiral inclusions. It is shown that the resonant frequency of the incident field in the conversion surface waves satisfy a relation similar to the Bragg condition for the crystalline environment.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):76-82
pages 76-82 views

Tsvetovye iskazheniya v televidenii i metody ikh umen'sheniya

Lozhkin L., Kononenko A., Voronoy A.


Shows the sources of color distortions in the body-color vision, and that the chromaticity coordinates, which are located inside the triangle color gamut screen television may play colorimetrihesky exactly, ie without color distortion. We propose a method for implementing a television system with a colorimetric ion accurately reproduced color images.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):82-87
pages 82-87 views

Tsifrovye rezonatory s kompleksnymi masshtabnymi koeffitsientami

Ivanova V.


The properties and algorithms of realization of the detuned pairs and single digital resonator with complex scale coefficients. The method of synthesis based on the values of the resonance frequency, bandwidth and resonance gain.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):87-93
pages 87-93 views

Vliyanie dliny i chisla vitkov na zaderzhku v mikropoloskovoy meandrovoy linii

Gazizov T., Zabolotskiy A., Orlov P.


The results of the full-wave analysis of microstrip meander delay lines are given. Signal distortions caused by electromagnetic coupling between the half-turns are presented. It has been shown that increasing the length and number of turns negatively affects on pulse signal integrity and linearly affect on delay in a meander line.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):93-96
pages 93-96 views

Ob utochnenii ponyatiya «mashinochitaemyy nositel'»

Pershakov A., Sorokin A.


The article discusses the currently used definitions of the term «a machine-readable medium» applied to the questions posed by court trials participants to IT professionals on the meaning of this term and its scope. The authors propose a number of new definitions to clarify the possible uncertainties that may be critical to the results of trials.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):96-102
pages 96-102 views

Ispol'zovanie mnogoal'ternativnogo sposoba obrabotki informatsii v sistemakh upravleniya bezopasnost'yu

Alekina E., Mel'nikova D., Yagovkina E.


An information processing method multialternative in control systems-without danger. The main stages of information processing, and shows the effectiveness of the method in the safety management systems.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):102-106
pages 102-106 views

Prava intellektual'noy sobstvennosti: motivatsiya ili zagraditel'nyy bar'er?

Trubnikov D., Trubnikova E.


This paper analyzes trends in current technological and social development caused by the IPR existence. The article examines possible negative consequences of IPR implementation.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2014;12(4):106-110
pages 106-110 views
