Cardiologic complications of acromegaly

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A frequent complication of acromegaly in any age patients is akromegalic cardiomyopathy, characterized by the formation of left ventricle myocardial hypertrophy (LVMH), and the occurrence of heart rhythm disorders. In cases with no adequate controls of hormonal disturbances in acromegaly, cardiomyopathy leads to the formation of diastolic heart failure. Surgical and pharmacological (using somatostatin analogues) treatment of acromegaly leads to the improvement of the heart condition and regress LVMH, especially in young patients (younger than 40 years) with a small duration of disease (no more than 5 years). Meaningful morpho-functional and hemodynamic parameters improvement observed in middle-aged patients.

About the authors

I A Ilovayskaya

I A Ilovayskaya


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