Use of azithromycin (Sumamed) in therapeutical practice

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We consider the antibiotic of macrolides - azithromycin (Sumamed) as one of the advanced drug for treatment of respiratory tract infections. Its advantage is a wide range of actions, including almost all the major pathogens of respiratory tract infections, including intracellular parasites. Azithromycin have activity against pneumococci, streptococci, Legionella, mycoplasma and chlamydia similar to other macrolides, but exceeds them by the activity against other pathogens of respiratory tract infections. Peculiarities of the azithromycin pharmacokinetics determine its advantages, in particular the prolonged half-life, so that the drug can be applied once a day by short courses - for 3-5 days. In numerous clinical studies high efficiency and good tolerance of azithromycin in comparison with other antibiotics were demonstrated, including in the treatment of respiratory tract infections in children, elderly patients.

About the authors

S B Erofeeva

S B Erofeeva


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