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Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a chronic liver disease developing in patients who do not consume alcohol in hepatotoxic doses, and is characterized by the development macrovesicular steatosis and lobular inflammation of the liver. NASH is considered as a disease of the liver in the metabolic syndrome, the pathogenetic basis of which is the development of insulin resistance. The results of open clinical study of efficacy and safety of herbal medicine Hepabene (milk thistle and fumitory extracts) in the treatment of 43 patients with NASH are presented. It was shown that treatment of NASH with the drug Hepabene due to restoration of hepatocyte function and normalization of bile outflow leads to rapid improvement of general state of patients, reduction of severity of clinical symptoms, laboratory and instrumental parameters. The drug effectively restores motor-evacuatory function of the biliary tract; Hepabene is well tolerated by patients and can be recommended for use in the treatment of patients with NASH, especially with concomitant biliary tract disease.


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