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The present article is concerned with dosage forms of the antibacterial agents, allowing using preparations in the liquid state - syrups, granules or others soluble or dispersible products facilitating introduction of medicines that is especially important in children. These include Flemoklav Solutab (Amoxicillin/Klavulanat), Flemoxin Solutab (Amoxicillin) and Vilprafen Solutab (Josamycin) dispersible tablets. Fundamental difference of Solutab form is the encapsulation of active substance in microspheres that protects from adverse effect of gastric acid and enzymes. The presented data shows that "line" of antibacterial drugs in the Solutab dosage form largely overlaps antibiotic requirements for treatment of widespread bacterial infections both in adults, and in children. These drugs have usability, comfortable dose schedule, and favorable safety profile, as well as additional advantages in regard to pharmacokinetic properties and low frequency of development of microbial resistance.


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