
Treatment effectiveness was evaluated by the pain expression on visual-analog scale (VAS), the algofunctional Lesquene index (AFIL), the WOMAC scale index, and a pain intensity at palpation. A concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP) in a high-sensitive immune-turbidimetric test was determined. After one month of therapy the pain of joints evaluated with VAS has decreased by 24,7 % (p < 0,0001), at palpation - by 58,8 % (p < 0,0001), the functions of the joint improved by 29,3 % (p < 0,0001) evaluated with AFIL, and by 22,4 % (p < 0,0001) evaluated with general WOMAC index. The CRP concentration decreased by 54,4 % (р = 0,004). The AFIL decrease by 30 % and more was observed in 17 (65,4 %) cases and in 12 (46,2 %) patients the total WOMAC index decreased by 30 % and more. A common estimate of Neurodiclovit effect was good in 18 (69,2 %) and satisfactory in 8 (30,8 %) patients.
In patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis with metabolic syndrome Neurodiclovit administration for four weeks in the on demand regime was well tolerated in 87 % patients and showed good analgetic and anti-inflammatory effect.


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