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The article is concerned with current approaches to treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The problems of biofilms and the associated difficulties of treatment, and growth of microbial resistance, leading to a trend in the use of topical therapy, are discussed. The topical antimicrobial agents aimed to the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the throat, usually consists of one or more of the antiseptic agents (chlorhexidine, hexetidine, benzydamine, thymol and its derivatives, alcohol, iodine, etc.), antibiotics (fusafungine, framycetin, polymyxin B), often in combination with local anesthetics (lidocaine, tetracaine, menthol), hemostatics and deodorizing agents, and less frequently - with corticosteroids. The composition of these drugs may also include natural antiseptics (plant extracts, bee products), synthesized factors of nonspecific protection of the mucous membrane, which have antiviral activity (lysozyme, interferon), and vitamins (ascorbic acid). In cases of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, the use of complex bacteriophages, such as Sextaphag, with high specific lytic activity and ability to eliminate pathogens of purulent-inflammatory processes of different localization, can be recommended.


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