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The use of different physical methods in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) along with baseline drug therapy improves the quality of life of the patients, has a positive effect on the individual clinical symptoms, and increases the adaptive reserves. The development of modern technology allows to expand potentialities of physical therapy with the use of new factors and optimization of previously used factors. Therefore, development of optimal criteria for evaluating their therapeutic effectiveness in pediatric patients is actual. Dynamics of indicators of oxygen-transport function of blood can be considered as one of the such criteria for children with CRD, often accompanied by different degree of oxygen deficiency. The article presents the results of research on the effectiveness of inclusion of course of enteral oxygen therapy (EOT) in the complex rehabilitation of 66 children with CRD. These data show a marked beneficial effect of single dose of oxygen cocktail and course of EOT on oxygen-transport function of blood and blood oxygen saturation.

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