Okislitel'nyy stress kak prichina sistemnogo stareniya. Rol' preparatov α-lipoevoy kisloty (Espa-Lipon) v lechenii i profilaktike vozrast-assotsiirovannykh zabolevaniy

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Based on the literature data and our own clinical observations and research, the article considers the current theory of aging, explaining general biological mechanisms of this process that underlies the so-called age-associated and comorbid human pathology. Currently, there are about 300 theories of human aging, but the authors prefer the three of them, and through the example of the theory of oxidative stress, justify their views on the important role of free radical oxidation mechanisms of cellular aging, apoptosis and cell death, underlying social health phenomenon of aging and age - associated diseases. Excessive influence of oxidative stress, which result in age-dependent functional failure of the antioxidant system, has a more negative impact on the entire cellular and systemic metabolism, is one of the key, but wel-controlled mechanism of human aging in contrast to the age. Currently, there are unique drugs with proven efficacy correcting severity of oxidative stress - antioxidants. On the example of α-lipoic (thioctic) acid (Espa-Lipon), it is shown that correct and rational use of antioxidants with significant neuroprotective effect, such as brightest representative α-lipoic (thioctic) acid, in clinical practice allows to effective impact on the aging process, successfully implement the prevention and pathogenetic therapy of many age-related diseases.

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