Vedenie patsientov s ostroy i khronicheskoy nespetsificheskoy bol'yu v nizhney chasti spiny

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The article presents the current recommendations for the treatment of acute and chronic nonspecific lower back pain (LBP), and evaluates the clinical efficacy of these methods. The optimal management of patients with acute non-specific LBP includes the following provisions: 1) the correct informing of patients about the nature and prognosis of the disease; 2) maintenance of activities of daily living; 3) a short course of rational pharmacotherapy (paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and/or muscle relaxants). The combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy, therapeutic exercises, gradually increasing the physical activity and rational pharmacotherapy represent high-effective therapeutic program for patients with chronic non-specific LBP. The role of muscle relaxant tizanidine in the treatment of patients with acute and chronic nonspecific LBP is discussed. The comparative possibilities of using pharmacological, non-pharmacological, invasive and surgical treatments in patients with chronic nonspecific LBP are considered.

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