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The analysis of the data on safety, tolerability and acceptability of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) is of great interest. Studies shows that the features of a metabolism of a particular drug and the patient's genetics are the key to understanding the risk of side effects.

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About the authors

E. V Ivanova

JCS «Moscow Laser Company» Moscow

E. A Mezhevitinova

FSBI «SCOGP n.a. V.I. Kulakov» of RMPH MD, Leading Researcher at the Scientific Policlinic Department Moscow

A. E Donnikov

FSBI «SCOGP n.a. V.I. Kulakov» of RMPH Moscow

I. G Nikitin

SBEI HPE RNSMU n.a. N.I. Pirogov of RMPH Moscow

V. N Prilepskaya

FSBI «SCOGP n.a. V.I. Kulakov» of RMPH Moscow


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