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Optimal physical development of children and adolescents involved in sports require high concentration of vitamin D. It is well known that prevention of numerous diseases, comorbid with deficiency of vitamin D, is effective at a concentration of 25(OH)D more than 30.0 ng/mL. At the same time, the optimum functioning of the muscles and reliable improvement of sports results achieve at a concentration of 25(OH)D more than 40.0-50.0 ng/mL. The article deals with the molecular and physiological mechanisms of vitamin D effects on the muscles and the results of clinical studies of athletes.

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About the authors

O. A Gromova

SBEIHPE "Ivanovo State Medical Academy" of RMPH


I. Yu Torshin

FSAEI HPE "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology"

E. Yu Egorova

SBEIHPE "Ivanovo State Medical Academy" of RMPH

I. N Zakharova

SBEI FPE "Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education" of RMPH

A. V Gilels

Medical corporation RHANA


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