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The neuronal damage in ischemic cerebral diseases is associated with series of molecular mechanisms, which can be a target for pharmacological neuroprotective interventions. Currently, there is no consensus about the potentials of neuroprotective therapy in hyperacute ischemic stroke. However, a number of studies had shown the positive effects of citicoline by reducing the severity of residual neurological deficit. In chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, the effect of therapy on the rate of progression of cognitive disorders can be considered as a criterion of efficiency of neuroprotective therapy. Available evidence allows to discuss neuroprotective effect of antihypertensive and neurometabolic therapy.

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About the authors

V. V Zakharov

SBEI HPE First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov of RMH

MD, Prof. at the Department of Nervous Diseases and Neurosurgery Moscow

N. V Vakhnina

SBEI HPE First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov of RMH

Department of Nervous Diseases and Neurosurgery Moscow


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