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The present study was conducted to assess the effect of polymorphism of the PPARGC1A, PPARGC1B, PPARG2 and FTO genes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) on the development of liver fibrosis and hepatic steatosis. 62 DM2 patients aged from 29 to 82 years underwent complex examination. A screening assessment of hepatic steatosis and liver fibrosis in DM2 patients was performed with the use of non-invasive methods: a panel of laboratory tests (FibroTest), and liver fibroelastometry. Polymorphism of genes determining hereditary predisposition to obesity and DM2: PPARGC1A (peroxisome activator 1a receptor co-activator - Gly482Ser polymorphism (G>A), PPARGC1B (peroxisome proliferator-activated 1a receptor co-activator, Al203Pro polymorphism, G>C), PPARG2 (PPAR-gamma transcription factor, Pro12Ala polymorphism), FTO (obesity-associatedgene, c.IVS1 polymorphism A>T) was evaluated. The statistical analysis was carried out using the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test, Pearson’s criterion and logistic regression. As a result of examination, patients with variants of PPARGC1A, PPARGC1B, PPARG2 and FTO genes that determine an increased risk of developing DM2 and obesity were noted to have no increased risk of progression of liver fibrosis.

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About the authors

Yu. G Sandler

SBHCI “Moscow Clinical Research Center n.a. A.S. Loginov" of Moscow Healthcare Department


A. V Polukhina

SBHCI “Moscow Clinical Research Center n.a. A.S. Loginov" of Moscow Healthcare Department

E. V Vinnitskaya

SBHCI “Moscow Clinical Research Center n.a. A.S. Loginov" of Moscow Healthcare Department

I. G Bakulin

North-Western State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov

Zh. V Borunova

SBHCI “Moscow Clinical Research Center n.a. A.S. Loginov" of Moscow Healthcare Department

V. A Keyyan

SBHCI “Moscow Clinical Research Center n.a. A.S. Loginov" of Moscow Healthcare Department


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