Current data on the prevalence, risk factors and clinical aspects of Opisthorchis felineus invasion in children in an endemic region

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Background. The urgency of the problem of Opisthorchis felineus invasion in pediatrics is attributable to its high incidence in endemic regions and the impact on the health of children, including on the frequency and progression of chronic diseases. Objective: to evaluate the prevalence, intensity, risk factors for O. felineus invasion, as well as the clinical manifestations of the disease in children within the framework of an epidemiological study in an endemic region. Methods. The first stage was planned as a cross-sectional study in a randomized sample; 76 children aged 7-18 years were included. The second stage was conducted as the case-control study, within framework of which two groups were formed: children suffering from O. felineus invasion (n=50, average age 11±3.4 years), and a control group of children without O felineus invasion according to the results of a parasitological examination, as well as without acute and chronic diseases (n=50, 10.3±2.8 years). The study procedures included interviewing a questionnaire containing sections on demographic, socio-cultural, medical data; physical examination, double microscopy of stool samples using Parasep concentrators (Diasys Ltd), biochemical blood test, ultrasound (US) of the hepatobiliary system. Results. The prevalence of O. felineus invasion in children living in the endemic region of Western Siberia (Tomsk Region) is 18.4% and tends to increase with age. In children and adolescents, low intensity invasions prevail. The pediatric population of endemic regions does not have enough knowledge about the methods of infection and prevention of O. felineus invasion. In most cases, a clinically significant form of the disease occurs, affecting the hepatobiliary system and associated with the development of comorbidities. Conclusion. The results of the study dictate the need to develop programs to preserve the health of children in O. felineus endemic regions.

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About the authors

T. S Sokolova

Siberian State Medical University

E. A Golovach

Siberian State Medical University

V. A Petrov

Siberian State Medical University

Olga S. Fedorova

Siberian State Medical University

MD, Professor at the Department of Faculty Pediatrics with a Course of Childhood Diseases of the Medical Faculty


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