Alcoholic liver disease

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Alcoholic liver disease remains the main cause of complicated course of liver diseases with high mortality throughout the world. Excessive use of alcohol with harmful health consequences is an extremely urgent problem for Russia. Hepatic cirrhosis makes a significant contribution to the population mortality from diseases of the digestive system. The majority of patients with ALD have a mild alcohol dependency, with rare hangover syndrome, which allows them to drink alcohol for many years. Subclinical course of ALD up to the formation of cirrhosis is very common in such patients. This leads to the inability to provide timely medical care and prevent cirrhosis. The assessment of severity and short-term life prognosis in patients with ALD is based on various prognostic models. The basis of the concepts of ALD pharmacotherapy includes effect on the pathogenetic components of this pathology. L-ornithine L-aspartate is one of the drugs used for pharmacotherapy of ALD of various severity. Treatment with L-ornithine L-aspartate is carried out according to the schemes determined by the course of ALD (alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis).

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About the authors

Tatyana E. Polunina

A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Email: poluntan@mail.iu
MD, Professor


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