Vitamin D3 - a necessary component at the stage of preconception preparation

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Background. According to statistics, the prevalence of vitamin D starvation and deficiency in Russia is 60-70%. Vitamin D deficiency in women of reproductive age forms a number of gynecological and obstetric problems (infertility, polycystic ovarian disease, miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, etc.) and makes the issues of its correction highly relevant. Objective. Evaluation of the prevalence of vitamin D starvation and deficiency in women of reproductive age, with physiological pregnancy and pregnancy in combination with obesity. Methods. 226 women were examined: 120 non-pregnant young women of reproductive age and 106 pregnant women at 9-11 weeks of gestation. Results. The serum vitamin D level in the non-pregnant women of reproductive age living in Perm is low in 61% of cases; every fifth woman has a marked vitamin D deficiency. Non-pregnant women with overweight and obesity have vitamin D levels below normal in 90% of cases. During the period of gestation, the hypovitaminosis incidence and its severity was increased significantly. Conclusion. Despite the findings, there is no reason to recommend population screening to detect vitamin D deficiency among women planning a pregnancy. However, the presence of risk factors (body mass index of more than 25 kg/m2, smoking, chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, etc.) requires mandatory determination of the cholecalciferol level and development of an individual program for weight loss, as well as drug correction of hypovitaminosis during the preconceptional preparation.

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About the authors

A. A Olina

Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproducology n.a. D.O. Ott

MD, Professor, Deputy Director of Development 3, Mendeleevskaya Line, St. Petersburg 199034, Russian Federation

E. L Makarova

City Perinatal Center “M.A. Tverye City Hospital"

Perm, Russia


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